Apply for scholarships

Apply for scholarship


Apply for scholarship Online

CMA Academy offers different forms of scholarships, so that the cost of tuition fees does not hinder eqaul opportunities to education for all potential candidates.
As part of its social responsibility policy, CMA offers subsidies to Organisations that aspire to invest in the education of their employees.
Also, prospective students can review the three different kinds of scholarships in order to evaluate if they qualify to apply.

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Choose one of our online scholarships

Scholarship fund

The Scholarship Fund is suitable for students who face financial difficulties in covering their tuition fees, thereby offering equal opportunities to people aspiring to change their lives.

Subsidised Scholarship

The Subsidised Scholarship scheme is suitable for students who hold a certain level of qualifications that allows them to potentially obtain new professional skills and abilities, useful for their career, according to regulations of the Country's local authorities.

Academic Scholarship

The Academic Scholarship is offered to students who hold or exceed a specific level of Academic Grade Point Average; CMA thereby provides equal opportunities to people who aspire to change their lives